







The Treg Cabo Verde Trail offers a rich sporting journey to the heart of the island of Santo Antao in Cape Verde.




Three formulas are proposed and the complete program is presented below:


Thursday May 1st : 


Departure from Paris by scheduled flight to Sao Vicente (via Lisbon) - Overnight stay in a hotel in Sao Vicente (for those who have chosen a departure from Paris).


Friday May 2nd : 


Acclimatisation day in Sao Vicente. Technical and medical checks. Night in hotel in Sao Vicente


Saturday May 3rd :


Early morning transfer by boat to the island of Santo-Antao. Transfer by minibus to the base camp. Installation at the hotel


Technical and medical checks - GPS training - Ultra Cabo Verde Trail briefing. Departure at 22:30 - Arrival of the last runners at the latest 57 hours after the start. Night in Tarrafal for the other competitors


Sunday May 4th :


Early departure to the start of the Long Cabo Verde Trail - Start at 9:00 am - Arrival of the last ones at the most 36 hours after the start. Transfer of accompanying persons and 40km runners to Paul. Overnight in Paul.


Monday May 5th :


Early start for the 40km - Start at 7.00am of the Cabo Verde Trail - Arrival of the last runners maximum 18 hours after the start. - Overnight in Paul


Tuesday May 6th :


Arrival of the last ones of the 120km at 7.30am max - Recovery or Day hike and/or visits and/or lazing around San Antao. Festive evening.


Wednesday May 7th :


Day hike and/or visits and/or farniente in Paul - Return by boat to Sao Vicente at the end of the day.


Thursday May 8th :


Free day in Mindelo at the beach and/or sightseeing - Prize-giving evening - Night in hotel.


Friday May 9th :


Free day in Mindelo at the beach and/or sightseeing - Overnight in hotel




Saturday May 10th:



Return flight via Lisbon with TAP - Arrival in Paris at the end of the evening.


Accommodation will be in a comfortable hotel according to local standards.




Specific activities will be organised for accompanying persons, the 80km and 40km competitors when they are not running and the early arrivals of the ultra trail (hikes, meetings with local people, ..)